Let's Help Hungry Kids

The UN's World Food Program just released an urgent call for aid to drought stricken Haiti. Farmers can't produce food to feed their families and children are starving.
We're excited to be partnering with Feed2.org to help provide kids a hot, nutrious meal every school day. For over 80% of these kids, it will be their ONLY meal of the day. Nutrition and education are the best long term solutions to help people get out of extreme poverty. The Gates Foundation has wonderful data which demonstrates the results.
I've had the priviledge of seeing first hand how Feed2 works in Haiti. The results are awesome. As an entreprenuer, I'm always looking for ways to create value and produce a return on invested capital. Feed2 has figured out how to feed two kids a day in school for $10/month. Where else can I invest $10 and make such a significant difference in someone's life?
Feed2 is a great opportunity for businesses, schools, and even your kids, to get engaged in making this world a better place. Donate today. I promise, you and the kids you are helping will feel great!